Years ago when I saw a picture of this sweater, I didn't like it. Probably because it was done in a single color and it didn't look 'exciting' enough; but over the past 6 months or so, something has been beckoning me to try this pattern.
I looked for free instructions online, but they are not to be found. There are 'off-shoots' of it, but they did not quite draw me in.
I looked at Elizabeth's book (online) that contains the pattern, but the price was a bit of a turn-off. Besides, I don't really love her style of pattern writing. I have one of her books and I rarely use it. Might as well say that I never use it.
Someone in our AC4C Group sent a link to an exciting new look for the Baby Surprise Sweater and the colors got me drooling. Here is the link:
When I discovered there was a DVD on how to knit it I tried to get a cheaper price, but could not find one, so I ordered from
Well, the DVD came the other day and last night I sat down at the computer and looked at it. I love it! Meg Swansen (Elizabeth's daughter) did an excellent job with this! The instructions are written on paper and inserted into the DVD case, and while it seems clear enough, when you look at the DVD the instructions are made so much clearer.
Ms Swansen is an excellent teacher. Her voice is soothing, she is an excellent knitter (knits continental style and her fingers flow like the wind), and she filmed the entire video outside in a green wooded area (that looks a lot like the rural area I live in).
You get rejuvenated and relaxed just by looking at the background scenery. I am glad I did get the DVD because she shows you step by step what you are supposed to be knitting. (The shape of the Baby Surprise Sweater is unlike anything you have ever knitted and expecting it to have sleeves, a front and back).
You also get instructions for adding a collar and a matching bonnet. Additionally you are told how to make an adult sized version for yourself.
I haven't started knitting the sweater because if I do I won't finish the three projects I was supposed to have finished by now, but don't.
But, you can believe when I am 'free' the BSS (Baby Surprise Sweater) is the next thing on my needles, and you know I will share photos when I am done!
Here is the outside of the DVD case. Pardon the colors, as they were taken in the house at night under less than desirable lighting and the case is plastic which reflects the light something awful. You can get a better look on Amazon.
Here is the inside of the DVD. Note the neat instruction holder...
Instructions continue on the back with a "line drawing" of what the finished piece looks like before you sew up the two cuff-to-neckline seams. But reading the instructions and seeing it actually done on film are two different things and will save you a lot of confusion.
The video is approximately 1 hour and 23 minutes long. I feel that I have made a very wise investment, and I wish other authors would follow suit and create a video when instructions are 'complicated.'